
current time: 11:19am

current mood: disquiet

listening to: brakence - dropout

The first couple days of this month have been unpredictable, to say the least. It's had me thinking more about the future.

Besides that, I've had this hyperfixation on The Sims 4 the past week or two, it's literally all I can think about and all I wanna do... I've been downloading so many custom content for it, and I'm doing a "rags to riches" type thing with my sim!

I am also feeling a lot better health-wise than last month. I still have a lot of congestion but it's going away little by little. I got these strawberry creme cough drops and, I know they sound odd, but they taste great and actually worked well.

Today I'm going to try and be more productive while also not as hard on myself. Last night was a hard night.